Digital Security is everyone’s business in the Internet Age. Here’s a list of readings we find helpful.

This list evolves. Read the change history.

Ready to take action? Check out the healthcheck list.

Security Planner

A walk-through guide from the Citizen Lab. Great resource for folks just getting started with thinking about digital security.

The WIRED Guide to Digital Security

A must read for campaigns, candidates and anyone concerned with protecting their digital life.

The OpenNews Field Guide to Security Training in the Newsroom

The OpenNews community produced this terrific resource for helping yourself and others learn about digital security.

Tech Solidarity Security Guide

A quick Do and Don’t list recommended by EFF. You might see a lot of overlap with our own Healthcheck.

The DNC Security Checklist

Note this seems to be updated regularly and the URL may change. Please open a ticket if you notice the link is broken.

Campaign Cybersecurity Playbook

Written by the Belfer Center at Harvard, an excellent guide to actionable security practices for campaigns.

Assessing Vendor Data Security

EFF consistently publishes quality, thoughtful work about digital security. This piece focuses on tips for vetting potential vendors, but there’s probably an EFF article out there for just about any question you might have. A good place to start is Minimum Viable Teaching.

Motherboard Guide to Not Getting Hacked

Ready to up your security game? This guide is for folks already comfortable in their digital life. It explains threat modeling, and goes into some detail about passwords, multi-factor authentication, and battening down the hatches of your digital ship.

Security Education Companion

Ready to help teach others about security? This amazing resource from EFF is great first step.

Google Drive File Sharing Help

Do you use G Suite or Google Drive? This is the official support article for managing sharing permissions.

Microsoft configuration for campaigns and nonprofits

EFF Self-Defense

Not digital security per-se, but a great plain-language guide to thinking about threat modeling.